LunaDoge Launch and upcoming events

2 min readApr 28, 2021


Dear LunaDoge supporters,

It has been 2 hours since we launched LOGE on PancakeSwap V2. Before we will tell you what happened behind the scenes, let us address the most important milestones yet:

1. LP tokens have been locked for a month using DXsale:

2. Team tokens have been locked for a week using DXsale:

3. Ownership has been renounced:

4. After 2 hours LunaDoge grew steadily to 470 holders and conducted 1,774 transfers.

We would like to thank each and every one of you for your tremendous support in this successful launch!

Sneak peek behind the scenes

Our plan was simple. Gain trust from the community by locking away the LP tokens created by the launch, then locking away the team tokens and finally renouncing the ownership of the contract.

After deploying the contract, we transferred the team tokens (24%) and marketing tokens (5%) to a separate wallet to be as transparent as possible. Then, we supplied 60% of the LOGE supply to PancakeSwap. When we tried to send the 20 whitelisted presale participants their funds (10% of the supply), the transaction failed. Soon afterwards, the LunaDoge Telegram channel was flooded with FUD attempts. Because the team wallet held such a large amount and did not lock the tokens according to plan, people started to believe that the team would dump these tokens, just when price started to rise.

In his haste, the developer wanted to calm down FUD and started to lock the LP tokens and renounce the ownership using the deployer wallet. Mistakes were made. Because the team token address was not excluded from the maximum transaction amount of 0.5% of the supply, we could not lock up the funds as intended on DXSale. Painfully slow (thanks to the transaction limit to deter whales), after 64 transactions and 0.85 BNB spent, the team tokens have now been locked up.

What will we do next?

We have sent out our application to Coingecko, Coinmarketcap and Blockfolio. We have sold a part of our marketing budget to attract influencers to create hype on various social media platforms (Reddit, TikTok, Twitter, Telegram and /biz). Our website is coming in the next 24 hours. As our community had already discovered, we have opened our GitHub repo. As always, stay tuned for more information. We are just getting started! And maybe, just maybe, this could be you:

Social Links

Telegram Group:

Telegram ANN:







Written by LunaDoge

The official Medium account of LunaDoge ($LOGE)

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