LunaDoge Weekly Recap #3

3 min readMay 18, 2021


1W LOGE chart

It’s Monday again. Time to recap! Last week was insane. Our chart literally looks like a rollercoaster ride. On Tuesday, LOGE reached a peak market cap of $17,000,000, along with a peak 24-hour volume of $2,000,000+. The pump has fully retraced since then for a number of reasons. First there were the profit takers, then we were victimised by coordinated FUD and Elon Musk and finally we’ve had multiple whales capitulating over the past days, before settling around our pre-pump market cap of $1,600,000. This chart isn’t unheard of in crypto. SafeMoon, HOGE, MoonRat, Shiba Inu and SafeMars all endured similar growing pains. What else do these projects have in common? They have all peaked on FOUR different occasions. Plenty of gas left in the tank if you ask us.

LunaDoge Weekly Stats

As is tradition in these weekly recaps, please find below the overview of our current core statistics.

Thanks to the price movements, our total amount of holders and transactions have exploded! On the other hand, our market cap has decreased by 69%. What stands out is that our liquidity only decreased by 41%. That means that thanks to our LP mechanism, liquidity is bound to increase perpetually, ceteris paribus.

Weekly achievements ✅

  1. LunaDAO is LIVE! LunaDoge is now a community-driven project. Supporters can now take part in the core decision making of the project. Read our story about the launch and specifics of LunaDAO here.
  2. We completely redesigned our website. Thanks to some dedicated community members we were able to overhaul our outdated website to a new clean and professional looking website. If you haven’t checked it out, please do so!
  3. We have been verified and accepted by BscScan. Our token page now shows the LunaDoge logo and updated token information.

In progress ⏳

  1. Trust Wallet integration. We have forked the Trust Wallet Assets Repo, paid the 250 TWT fee and are currently under review to be added to their repo. This means you will be able to see the LunaDoge logo on your Trust Wallet app.
  2. CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap listings. We were told by a CoinGecko member we were due for review this week. Multiple team members have reached out and they were given a response that the team were busy reviewing. We will have to wait a bit longer.
  3. Marketing push. We will release a separate article this week addressing the marketing steps taken so far and plans for the future. Stay tuned!




Written by LunaDoge

The official Medium account of LunaDoge ($LOGE)

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